
The video you post on your website is not just to “look good” or be “educational”.
The most effective search engines these days include in-depth analysis algorithms for your website and, if your video is correctly placed and tagged, it will appear in the results generated by the search engine.
This increases the relevance of your website and hence your ranking, some say by as much as 75%.
According to the French agency,, 25% of Google searches are carried out on YouTube.
USONetworks, a company that specialises in VSEO (Video Search Engine Optimisation), tells us that 63% of Americans watch video online. That figure was just 37% in 2007. So video is an important part of the decision-making process for purchases.
In March 2010, some 24 hours of video were downloaded every minute on YouTube. 90% of Google’s video results come from YouTube. To be viewed, it is vital to include YouTube as part of a good VSEO strategy.
Video enables you to boost your visibility on the Internet. To convince yourself, search for VIDEO SEO in Google. You’ll see just how much the topic is mentioned online.


Googel search Video SEO

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Are you thinking about making a company film, filming a conference, producing a report, etc. – and you’re wondering how much all that will cost you? Describe your ideas to us below and we will get back to you within one day with an obligation-free budget estimate.