Beclip.TV has a Full HD video switching production unit to provide audiovisual support of your conference. We film with several HD cameras. The digital soundtracks are mixed with the video. The slides of the speakers and Skype (r) remote speakers are mixed with the captured images . Then, everything can be broadcast live on the internet. And of course, your conference is being recorded from A to Z to make a DVD or uploaded on YouTube or an equivalent service. See the description of our resources on our page Capture Video.
During the show , the director of Beclip.TV Production includes slides of the speakers in the video stream. He can use templates where dia and video of the speaker are mixed. Speakers in other locations can take part in your symposium, conference or debate through the magic of Skype, with their picture and voice screened live in the room. And they can also see what is happening at the venue at the same time. It’s total immersion.
Since your event is broadcast live on the Internet, your conference is filmed by several cameras. PTZ cameras are controlled remotely by the director Beclip.TV Production. This allows to vary the shots, enhance vision and keep the attention of your remote listeners.
Set up a dialogue with the public directly through the chat room. Display what’s happening on a giant screen ‘live’ or have a presenter relay the most relevant opinions and view to the audience. You can even conduct an ‘instant’ survey among online users.
Because your event is being broadcast live on the Internet, the social networks can generate an audience for you in no time at all. It’s the best way of getting your ideas out there!